About us
Focus on the existing and sustainable development problems of the industry, and provide solutions through technological innovation.
Learn about the latest company, productss, business news and technological developments of SHEMAR POWER. Every day, SHEMAR is bringing safer and more economical electric energy closer to you.
Innovative CICA solutions offering savings in materials, manpower, ROW, carbon emissions, and power loss for new builds and retrofits.
Building a new generation of power system with new materials and technologies.
Composite insulators, also known as synthetic insulators, are composed of at least two parts: a glass fiber resin core rod and an organic material sheath with an umbrella skirt, along with end fitting
The line post insulator for high-voltage power lines consists of a glass fiber resin core rod covered with an organic material sheath and umbrella skirt, along with end fittings. It replaces the tradi
CICA is assembled from insulators and replaces the original iron crossarms and suspension insulator strings with a horizontal layout. The end sections are directly connected to the conductors using su
Braced line post insulators are usually used upto 230 kV and have a higher vertical load capability. SHEMAR offers standardized off-the-self and custom engineered composite braced line post insulators